For me, UIC represents a huge part of my journey living in the US. Since day one when I first started on the ESL program, to later complete my Associates Degree, and now pursuing my Bachelors Degree in Business Administration and Management. They have been a source of unconditional guidance and a community full of support that has helped me to develop my career. Some of the things that make UIC so special is that they have developed a unique program designed to prepare students for life after graduation with a holistic model, to be able to enter the real-world job market.  When you attend United International College, you are not just a student, but part of a family.

Valentina Perez
B.S. in Business Administration

I graduated from the English as a Second Language program of United Language Institute in 2018. Then, I enrolled in the Associate in International Business Management. I chose this program because I had been interested in international business to learn more about different cultures, and interacting with people from different backgrounds. While I was seeking my degree, I had the wonderful opportunity to become a part of the UIC Staff. This has helped me to grow as a professional. I decided to continue with my studies and finish my bachelor's degree in the same field. During those years, I supported my colleagues in several departments. This helped me to improve my knowledge and develop multiple skills like customer service, time management, multitasking, problem solving, and leadership. Around 2019, I received the offer for the Admissions Representative position. It was a great opportunity that made me very happy. Some of my responsibilities in this position are to interact, manage and oversee a diverse population of incoming students, especially international students; preparing reports, and maintaining the database with clear and complete students’ enrollment files, conducting follow-ups with students to assure that admission documentation is complete. For all mentioned above, and besides the fact that one of my dreams is to get a master’s in the United States, I decided to continue my education at United International College pursuing a Master’s degree in Business Administration.

Ana Socha- A.S. & B.S. in International Business
Currently completing her Master in Business Administration