“​​In life, we have many goals, one of my goals was to be a graphic designer, and I achieved it. I graduated in Venezuela, where I also worked for many years designing corporate images, branding, advertisements, magazines, packaging, and more; however, I have had more goals to accomplish, and one of these was learning to speak English. That’s why I decided to come to Florida years ago to study it with the support of my family. After achieving this goal, I decided to reach one more goal, which was to study Communication and Mass Media at United International College, with the plus of being able to do it in English here in the United States. It has been one of the best decisions of my life because I have received very outstanding education with many practical courses on the subject, with excellent professors and professionals such as Speaking on the Radio, Speaking on TV,  Public Relations, Business Communication, Business Expo, Documentaries, English Composition, Social Media, Introduction to Journalism, Photography, Drawing, Writing for the Media, Film Criticim, Media Ethics, etc.

In addition, I have taken courses such as Critical Thinking, Self-empowerment, Holistic Human Development, etc., which have helped me develop as a person and professional for my life and future work. For example, during the covid 19 pandemic, these courses and the college were vital because they encouraged my classmates and me to continue, with their example of how they knew how to adapt to the situation, always at the vanguard of technology without losing the quality of their classes. For this and much more, I can say after obtaining my associate degree last year, and currently studying for my bachelor’s degree and, belonging as a student to the college’s Media Club, applying everything I have learned, I am delighted with my decision to study Communication and Mass Media at United International College.

Martha Rodriguez- A.S. Communications and Mass Media
B.S. Communications and Mass Media