Blog Post Written by Matthew Ancrum-Smith, Class of 2027

“This season, we pause to give thanks for our incredible students here at UIC.” Dr. Deborah Mendez, Collective Thoughts Editor

Who would have thought that a knock at my door would change the entirety of my life forever? It was the beginning of eighth grade and everything was going as planned. I was just starting to find my passion in life when I heard a stranger’s voice say, ̈we are taking your kids from you.

I never knew my freedom could be snatched in the blink of an eye. I will never forget the screams of my sisters and brothers. I was sitting there in shock as tears rolled down my face. I sat in the back seat of the car looking out the window terrified, not knowing what would happen next. I was placed in foster care. I was not able to go outside when I wanted to. I was trapped inside of a building surrounded by kids I didn’t know. Not only was I transferred to a new home, but I was sent to a new school and, not knowing anyone, I had to adapt. I couldn’t see any of my friends. It felt like a nightmare day in and out. I just wanted to be back home with my family. It was hard at first, but, luckily, I was always the kid who liked to socialize. So making new friends for me is not hard at all.

My love of basketball inspired me to strive for greatness. I feel like I belong every time I am surrounded by others while playing basketball. It gave me purpose, it was my reason to not stop and give up. I found love in the beautiful sport of basketball and never took it for granted. I would play for hours outside in the sun all alone, and it made me feel better. Although taking my freedom away almost killed my spirit, playing basketball motivated me. The small moments when I could get to play basketball made me sink away from life not worrying about any of my problems.

During the eight long months with DCF, I learned that when life gives me hardships to overcome I have to keep striving and pushing to become a better person. I can’t let what life throws at me bring me down. I have to keep a smile on my face to show the people around me I am strong and resilient. I let my best character shine through my hardest times to keep me progressing. I had problems, I set goals, and I conquered my obstacles.

Collective Thoughts is a blog published once a semester by our UIC students, and features fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and art submitted by our undergraduate students. Our mission is to provide a plat-form to showcase the unique voice of the developing and emerging writer and to foster the love of writing.